Resident Roundtable
The Resident Roundtable is a by RRNAs, for RRNAs open and judgment-free online peer-to-peer support sessions related to anything about the RRNA experience.
Learn how to prioritize wellness while in school in this article by Chloe Jacob, BSN, CCRN, RN, FY23 AANA Education Committee Resident Representative.
The Resident Roundtable is a by RRNAs, for RRNAs open and judgment-free online peer-to-peer support sessions related to anything about the RRNA experience.
Becky Frese
AANA Professional Practice Specialist
Alyssa Rojo, MSN, RN
AANA Nurse-Research Analyst
Staff Liaisons to the Wellness Committee
(847) 655-1138, wellness@aana.com.
See the listing of upcoming 2024 Resident Roundtable webinars.
The Resident Roundtable is a by RRNAs, for RRNAs open and judgment-free online peer-to-peer support sessions related to anything about the RRNA experience. Sessions are held throughout the year. Registration opens about a month before the event. For more information, contact wellness@aana.com.
“I attended my first Resident Roundtable session and found it both informative and reassuring. To hear RRNAs across the nation asking the same questions and expressing the same concerns I have, made me feel less alone. I really appreciate the AANA supporting the health & wellness of RRNAs. It means a lot that I am entering into a career that cares about my well-being as a human, not just my performance as an RRNA/CRNA.” – 1st-year RRNA
“Thank you for the Resident Roundtable last night via Zoom. It was very much needed for the journey I am on. I took away many gems to hold with me as I transition from LEAP to a full-fledged RRNA this year.”
“Thank you for your presentation! I start clinical tomorrow and am very nervous. A few things you said helped me put things into perspective though so thank you!“
“I really enjoyed the session. It’s good to hear about other students’ experiences and I was able to have a few books to listen to during ‘me time’. Thanks for all that you do.”
“I am in the first year of school (3rd quarter). I will start clinicals in the summer. I attended your Resident Roundtable session last night. I found it VERY helpful. Especially because it seems like the CRNA school experience will become less collective and more parallel to my peers as we enter clinicals. I try to take this experience one day at a time but any time I think about clinicals I get pretty anxious.“