Adverse Medical Events/Critical Incidents
A perioperative death or catastrophe, or the unexpected death of a colleague, can be devastating for the CRNA/nurse anesthesiologist or Resident. The first step is awareness of the impact a critical incident or adverse event can have on your well-being and understanding the typical emotional and physical responses:
- Isolation
- Negative self-image
- Massive emotional impact
- Anger syndromes
- Fatigue syndromes
The Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety provides information on how to cope with adverse events and support colleagues.
The resources on this page may incorporate or summarize views, guidelines, or recommendations of third parties. Such material is assembled and presented in good faith, but does not necessarily reflect the views of the AANA. Links to third-party websites are inserted for informational purposes and do not constitute endorsement of the material on those sites, or of any associated organization.
Explore Resources
AANA Resources
AANA Resources
Practice Guidance
- AANA Guidelines for Critical Incident Stress Management
- AANA Position Statement on Policy and Practice Considerations Unintended Awareness During General Anesthesia
Wellness Articles
- Workplace Shootings: CRNAs Surviving as the First and Second Victim
- Emotional Support for a Colleague after a Perioperative Critical Incident
- The Personal Impact of Adverse Events
- Change, Grief, and Healing
- Dealing with Litigation Stress Syndrome
AANA Journal Articles
- Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation of the Nurse Anesthesia and the Aftermath of Perioperative Catastrophes Survey and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire, Dec. 2019
- Point-of-Contact Assessment of Nurse Anesthetists’ Knowledge and Perceptions of Management of Anesthesia-Related Critical Incidents, Feb. 2017
- Design of an Evidence-Based “Second Victim” Curriculum for Nurse Anesthetists, April 2016
- Response Letter: Support for ‘Second Victim’ article, Dec. 2018
External Resources
External Resources
- AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
- AnesthesiologyNews
- Fatal Mistakes, The Journal of Advanced Practice Nursing 2017
- Faculty Programs
- forYOUTeam
- RISE (Resiliency In Stressful Events)
- Health Leaders Media:
- The International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
- The Joint Commission
- Litigation Stress
- Medically Induced Trauma Support Services (MITSS)
- Peer Support: Healthcare Professionals Supporting Each Other After Adverse Medical Events, BMJ 2008
- Respectful Management of Serious Clinical Adverse Events, 2011
- Responding to Patient Safety Incidents: The “Seven Pillars”, IHI 2008