Become a Fellow
Recognition for Your Outstanding Professional Achievements
Stand out as the best of the best!
Apply to become a Fellow of the AANA (FAANA) and celebrate your impact within the nurse anesthesiology profession.
Consideration for Fellows of the AANA is open to any CRNA/nurse anesthesiologist who is an Active (including Emeritus) member of AANA with an established career in nurse anesthesiology.
Fellows Application
Who is eligible? View the full criteria below.
The application consists of:
- Two (2) essays
- Three (3) letters of recommendation
- Current curriculum vitae (10-page limit)
- $250 nonrefundable application fee
Application Timeline
Nov. 1, 2024: The application is now open. View application.
Feb. 3, 2025: Applications due 12 PM (CT)
*Late submissions are not accepted.
May 2025: Applicants are notified of the selection committee results
August 2025: Class of 2025 Fellows are inducted during the 2025 AANA Annual Congress.
Applicants will be notified of the selection committee results in May 2025 and new Fellows will be inducted during the 2025 AANA Annual Congress.
Fellows Application Resources
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
Consideration for Fellows of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology is open to any individual who is an active (including emeritus) member of AANA with an established career in nurse anesthesiology.
The candidate must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Minimum of 10 years full-time professional experience acquired as a practitioner of nurse anesthesiology or as an educator/program director, facility leader, or business leader.
- Minimum of 10 years of continuous certification in good standing as a CRNA/nurse anesthesiologist.
- Minimum of 10 years of AANA membership at time of application (not including years as a student member).
- Evidence or record of attending AANA conferences demonstrating a commitment to the association.
- Demonstrate outstanding achievements in nurse anesthesiology and leadership that command respect and recognition from other recognized leaders in the profession.
- Provide evidence of enduring and transformational achievement that demonstrates professional and personal growth and use of innovative, creative solutions in at least one of the following categories:
- Involvement in and service to the profession
- Excellence in clinical or professional practice
- Excellence in education
- Excellence in research
- Excellence in leadership or business
- Advancement of the profession of nurse anesthesiology through advocacy, innovation, or knowledge sharing
The nature of the contributions to the profession of nurse anesthesiology made by the applicant may take many forms. The Fellows application is designed to assist you in determining your eligibility for candidacy for FAANA.
Additional application information to be evaluated includes:
- Education, credentials, certifications, and professional designations
- Professional volunteer activities with AANA, state associations, or other healthcare associations or organizations
- Professional development activities (attendance at conferences, conventions, etc.)
- Publications and presentations
- Two (2) essay submissions
- Essay #1: 500-word maximum
- Essay #2: 300-word maximum
- Three (3) letters of recommendation (each not to exceed two (2) pages in length).
- NOTE: Letters of recommendation will not be accepted from current Fellows Selection Committee members, current AANA Board members, current AANA Foundation Board members, and current AANA staff at the time of application.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) (10-page limit)
Complete the online application.
- Complete all tasks, providing all information as requested.
- List the most recent information for all categories first.
- Do not attach copies of articles or other supporting material not specifically requested in the application. This material will not be considered in your application review.
- The entire application process is online. Emailed or physically mailed applications will not be accepted.
- Your application cannot be submitted without the $250 nonrefundable application fee and all required information.
- You can save your progress at any time and return later to complete the application before the Feb. 3, 2025, 12 PM CT deadline.
Please Note:
- Applicants will be notified of the Selection Committee results by May 2025 and Fellows candidates will be inducted during the 2025 AANA Annual Congress in Nashville, TN.
- Fellows inductee candidates are strongly encouraged to attend the in-person induction ceremony held during the 2025 AANA Annual Congress in San Diego, CA; therefore, applicants are encouraged to register for the AANA Annual Congress as soon as registration opens.
- All recipients of the FAANA designation must maintain AANA membership and pay annual FAANA dues in order to use the official FAANA credential and be recognized as a Fellow of AANA.
- If an applicant is not selected as a Fellow, they may reapply and submit a new application with supporting documentation each year, as often as they choose. The $250 application fee must accompany each new submission.
Exclusion Criteria
Members of the AANA Board of Directors or AANA Foundation Board may not:
- Provide letters of recommendation for Fellows applicants
- Serve on the Fellows Selection Committee while holding a position on the AANA or AANA Foundation Board
- Apply for the Fellows program while holding a position on the AANA or AANA Foundation Board
The application deadline is noon CT on Feb. 3, 2025. We will not accept late submissions. In order for an application to be considered “COMPLETE”, all tasks/requirements of the application must be fulfilled, and full payment submitted before the deadline.
If you have questions or need assistance, Contact Us.
Application Tips
Application Tips
The nature of the enduring contributions to the profession of nurse anesthesiology may take many forms. The Fellows application is designed to assist you in determining your eligibility for candidacy for FAANA designation.
Please review the following documents created to help you begin the application process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why apply for the FAANA designation?
A: Earning the FAANA designation is a major career achievement that opens doors for CRNAs/nurse anesthesiologists as practitioners, educators, researchers, and advocates for the profession. The FAANA designation communicates a commitment to excellence in the profession of nurse anesthesiology.
Q: Who is eligible to apply?
A: Consideration for Fellows of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology is open to any individual who is
an Active (including Emeritus) member of AANA with an established career in nurse anesthesiology. The candidate
must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Minimum of 10 years full-time professional experience acquired as a practitioner of nurse anesthesiology or
as an educator/program director, facility leader, or business leader. - Minimum of 10 years of continuous certification in good standing as a CRNA/nurse anesthesiologist.
- Minimum of 10 years of AANA membership at the time of application (not including years as a student member).
- Evidence or record of attending AANA conferences demonstrating a commitment to the association.
- Demonstrate outstanding achievements in nurse anesthesiology and leadership that command respect and
recognition from other recognized leaders in the profession. - Provide evidence of enduring and transformational achievement that demonstrates professional and
personal growth and use of innovative, creative solutions in at least one of the following categories:- Involvement in and service to the profession
- Excellence in clinical or professional practice
- Excellence in education
- Excellence in research
- Excellence in leadership or business
- Advancement of the profession of nurse anesthesiology through advocacy, innovation or knowledge sharing
Q: When can I apply?
A: The application is now open. View application.
Q: What’s the application deadline?
A: The online Fellows application deadline is noon CT on Feb. 3, 2025. A completed application containing all required items and the $250 nonrefundable application fee must be submitted before this deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Q: What do I need to submit?
A: In addition to completing the online application, the following must also be submitted:
- Two (2) essays
- Essay #1: 500-word maximum
- Essay #2: 300-word maximum
- Three (3) letters of recommendation (each not to exceed two (2) pages in length). Letters may be on professional or personal letterhead, clearly show all the contact information for the recommender, and must be signed by the individual writing the recommendation. Handwritten or electronic signatures are accepted.
- A current curriculum vitae (CV) (10-page limit)
- The $250 nonrefundable application fee
Q: Who can provide letters of recommendation?
A: The three (3) letters of recommendation may be provided by: A current Fellow of the AANA, a Fellow of another healthcare organization; a senior-level executive in your professional institution; a supervisor or department head at your facility; a program director or educator in your educational institution; professional peer. The individuals should be very familiar with your work and be able to articulate the specific impact of your contributions and achievements.
NOTE: Letters of recommendation will not be accepted from current Fellows Selection Committee members, current AANA Board members, current AANA Foundation Board members, and current AANA staff at the time of application.
Q: Should I submit my application materials together or separately?
A: All application materials must be submitted together through the online submission process. Emailed documents will not be accepted.
Q: What happens if I start the application and have to stop before it’s completed?
A: The application will be saved, and you can return at any time before the deadline to finish and submit the completed application.
Q: What if I forget to go back in and complete and submit my application?
A: A reminder email will be sent to the email from which the application was received prompting you to finish and submit your application, however, it is the responsibility of the applicant to be sure everything is submitted before the deadline.
Q: How will I know if you received my application?
A: Confirmation emails will be sent to the email address used for the application.
Q: When will I know if I am selected to be a Fellow?
A: Applicants will be notified of the Fellows Selection Committee decisions in May 2025. New Fellows candidates will be inducted at a ceremony held during the 2025 AANA Annual Congress in Nashville, TN. Attendance at the Induction ceremony is strongly encouraged.
Q: Are there dues to be a Fellow?
A: Yes. FAANA designation is maintained for $150 annually. This is in addition to your AANA Membership dues.
Q: When are these dues to be paid?
A: An email will be sent after induction with a link to pay Fellows membership dues. These are to be paid before September 1, 2025. Starting with your next dues renewal cycle in 2025, you will be invoiced annually for your AANA membership dues and Fellows dues at the same time.
Q: How do I maintain my FAANA designation?
A: Active AANA members who are inducted as Fellows of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology shall retain the privilege of the FAANA designation as long as they:
- Are CRNAs/nurse anesthesiologists who have been inducted as members of the FAANA Program (the “Fellows Program”); and
- Remain members in good standing with the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology; and
- Remain current in all membership dues obligations to the Fellows Program; and
- Remain current in all membership dues obligations to AANA
- Meet ethical expectations set by AANA
Q: What if I’m not chosen as a Fellow?
A: If an applicant is not selected as a Fellow, they may reapply and submit a new application with the required documentation and application fee each year, as often as they choose. The $250 nonrefundable application fee must accompany each new submission.
Exclusion Criteria
Members of the AANA Board of Directors or AANA Foundation Board may not:
- Provide letters of recommendation for Fellows applicants.
- Serve on the Fellows Selection Committee while holding a position on the AANA or AANA Foundation Board.
- Apply for the Fellows program while holding a position on the AANA or AANA Foundation