Rita L. LeBlanc Philanthropist of the Year Award

2024 Recipient Rita L. LeBlanc Philanthropist of the Year Award

Michelle Gonzalez, PhD, CRNA, CHSE-A, FAANA

The Rita L. LeBlanc Philanthropist of the Year Award is presented to an individual who has gone beyond the call of duty as a supporter of the AANA Foundation and other philanthropic organizations. The recipient of the 2024 Rita L. LeBlanc Philanthropist of the Year Award is Michelle Gonzalez, PhD, CRNA, CHSE-A, FAANA.

A longtime supporter of the AANA, AANA Foundation, CRNAPAC, and the nurse anesthesiology profession, Dr. Michelle Gonzalez has been exceptionally generous to the AANA Foundation. As of 2024, she became a Gold member of the Foundation’s Gertrude Fife Society, with cumulative Foundation donations in the $50,000-$99,999 range. In FY23, Dr. Gonzalez donated to the AANA Foundation’s AANA Room Sponsorship campaign by sponsoring the AANA Wellness Room in the amount of $2,500 in honor of Tara Mandy Labang, CRNA who was tragically slain in 2021. This year, Dr. Gonzalez donated $5,000 to the Lorraine Jordan Legacy Fund at ADCE and matched donations made in the room during the Program Directors lunch up to an additional $5,000. That day alone, Michelle donated $10,000 to the LJ Legacy Fund. With 25 years of experience in civilian and military-based facilities as a CRNA and educator, providing services to military, hospitals, private practice, and educational institutions, Dr. Gonzalez serves as a Clinical Associate Professor and the inaugural Program Director for the DNP Nurse Anesthesia Specialty at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).

“First, thank you to Wilma Gillis for nominating me for this award! It came as a surprise, as giving is a part of who I am, whether it be time, talent, or funds. Sharing knowledge, supporting scholarship, mentoring along the way is something I believe in and try to do consistently.

My father once told me “education is a key that opens many doors”. He was orphaned at 6, and without formal education until he found himself in an orphanage at 13. He cultivated the knowledge being shared and created a life that others dream of. He imparted this love of knowledge to me, which became the spark to my curiosity and my pursuit of education.

Philanthropy provides a link between those who ‘have’ and those who ‘need’ this key. The AANAF provides this access through its mission. For CRNA researchers, grants can provide a means to the goal. For students, 3 years can seem like eternity without an income. Scholarships and emergency assistance can help them get to the finish line.

As a scholarship recipient, I look for ways to give back, live by example, encouraging others to do so, and thankful for those who came before me!”

Michelle Gonzalez Headshot

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