Wellness Educational Resources
Find the Resources You Need to Support Your Wellness Educational Programs
These resources are intended to bring knowledge to CRNAs/nurse anesthesiologists and RRNAs of the benefits of maintaining well-being, as well as recognizing the occupational risk for substance use disorder, to help ensure patient safety and reward overall personal and professional wellness.
This information is not only to increase awareness but to also be utilized by nurse anesthesia educational programs to supplement the curriculum to meet the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Programs (COA)’s requirements for wellness and substance use disorder education.
Wellness Educational Resources
Wellness Ambassador Micro-credential
Wellness Ambassador Micro-credential
The Wellness Ambassador Micro-credential is a series of education modules covering a wide range of holistic wellness topics. This Micro-credential provides the learner with high-quality professional development, training, and education. CRNAs and RRNAs who have completed this Micro-credential are automatically entered into AANA’s Wellness Ambassador Network which provides the tools and resources to assist members with spreading wellness resources in their workplace, state, and nationally.
Well-being on the CRNA Education Edge
Well-being on the CRNA Education Edge
CRNA Education Edge is a dynamic resource which includes AANA Journal courses, wellness lectures from prior AANA meetings, and more! Included is the required DEA Bundle on Reducing Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Stigma.
Health and Wellness Curriculum Framework
Health and Wellness Curriculum Framework
The Health and Wellness Curriculum Framework is an AANA resource designed to support nurse anesthesia educators and administrators as they develop a curriculum. The Committees and Panel have identified AANA resources and other activities that could be utilized for wellness and substance use disorder initiatives and content. This framework is a compilation of resources and suggestions for programs and is not all encompassing (nor do programs need to utilize all the resources or suggestions).
For more educator resources, visit Educator Edge.
Clinical Coordinator Toolkit
Clinical Coordinator Toolkit
This toolkit is meant to be utilized by clinical coordinators to assist and foster RRNAs/residents in prioritizing well-being in school and as a long-term value throughout their careers. The focus will be on the six components of well-being: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, occupational, and spiritual.
Art Zwerling Wellness Modules
Art Zwerling Wellness Modules
The Art Zwerling Wellness Modules contain five interactive courses available on the CRNA Education Edge free for AANA members. They were created to meet the COA’s requirement for wellness/substance use disorder (SUD) curriculum for RRNAs. They are additionally beneficial for all CRNAs/nurse anesthesiologists at any stage of their career.
Arthur Zwerling, CRNA, MSN, DNP, DAAPM was ardently involved with AANA’s wellness and peer assistance efforts before losing his battle to cancer in 2014. He played an invaluable role in advancing wellness/chemical dependency education to CRNAs/nurse anesthesiologists and RRNAs.
You can contribute to the AANA Foundation to support the Art Zwerling Memorial Fund Series, designated for research or education in wellness, pain management, and peer assistance/substance use disorder. Please designate “Art Zwerling Memorial Fund” from the drop-down when making your donation.
Jan Stewart Memorial Wellness Lecture Series
Jan Stewart Memorial Wellness Lecture Series
Named after our respected colleague, 1999 – 2000 AANA President Jan Stewart, CRNA, ARNP, the Jan Stewart Memorial Wellness Lecture Series features speakers on wellness-related topics at each AANA Nurse Anesthesia Annual Congress. Watch the historical Jan Stewart Lectures from 2014 and 2015 on the AANA CRNA/RRNA Well-being YouTube page or more recent lectures on CRNA Education Edge.
You can contribute to the AANA Foundation to support the Jan Stewart Memorial Wellness Lecture Series, which provides a topic at each AANA Nurse Anesthesia Annual Congress to increase awareness of anesthesia professionals’ occupational risk of substance use disorder. Please designate ” Jan Stewart Fund” from the drop-down when making your donation.