Managing Stress
Working conditions have always been challenging for healthcare workers, even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Work in healthcare often involves:
- Intensely stressful and emotional situations in caring for those who are sick
- Exposure to human suffering and death
- Unique pressures from relationships with the patient, family members, and employers
- Working conditions with ongoing risk for hazardous exposures such as to COVID-19, other infectious diseases, hazardous drugs, and more
- Demanding physical work and risk of injuries such as from patient handling
- Long and often unpredictably scheduled hours of work. This is often related to as-needed scheduling, unexpected double shifts, and unpredictable intensity of on-call work.
- For many health workers, unstable and unpredictable work lives, and financial strain
While each individual may respond differently, it’s important to recognize stress, distress, and trauma and seek healthy ways to cope. Prioritize your own well-being to continue to care for yourself, your loved ones, and your patients. See below on ways to be aware of stress and some techniques to reduce the stressors.
Support for Managing Stress
Signs of Stress
Signs of Stress
- Increases in irritability, impatience, crying, blaming, arguing, substance use (alcohol, drugs, tobacco), desire to be alone, anxiety, fear, anger, distrust, worry, sadness, frustration, uncertainty, resentment, guilt, confusion, startle response, headaches, stomach aches, other pains, worsening of chronic health problems
- New difficulties in giving or accepting help, finding pleasure, concentrating, and decision-making
- Increase/decrease in energy or activity levels, fatigue, and appetite
- Revisiting past trauma/PTSD – intrusive distressing memories, flashbacks, and memories*
*If feelings or symptoms worsen, affect ability to function, have wide swings, or are prolonged, seek advice from a mental health professional and know you can recover. Access AANA resources on how to find help.
If thoughts turn to harming yourself, call American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s HOTLINE: 800-273-TALK, veterans extension 1, or text FRONTLINE to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor for 24/7 free support. If immediate harm is imminent, call 911.
AANA Resources and CRNA-produced Wellness Content
AANA Resources and CRNA-produced Wellness Content Resources
- Adverse Medical Events/Critical Incidents
- Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
- Depression and Suicide
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Sleep and Fatigue
- Substance Use Disorder
- Resident Wellness
- Wellness in the Workplace
Wellness and Substance Use Disorder Educational Resources – See a variety of easy-to-listen-to-podcasts and videos
- View the CRNA/RRNA Well-being playlist, which features breathing techniques, stress relief through stretching from Jessica Switzman, MSN, CRNA, and how to cope from Cindy Farina, DNP, CRNA, CNE.
- Pennie Nichols, CRNA:
CRNA Education Edge
- Streaming on-demand CEs. See the Art Zwerling Wellness Modules.
- Wellness Ambassador Micro-credential