Apply for Class A Credits
Non-Prior Approved Credits
The National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA) requires 100 credits of continuing education and professional development every 4-year cycle. 60 of those must be Class A credits.
- Members may apply for Class A CE credit after completing an activity if it was approved for CE credit by another recognized approval organization before the start of the program.
- Members may apply for Class A credit for college or university courses that, when completed, are entered on an official school transcript.
Note: There is a $60 fee to review the documentation and process the application to ensure it meets NBCRNA’s requirements. This application process is only available for AANA members.
Prior Approved Credits
If you attended a course that was prior approved by the AANA, your credits will be reported to the AANA within 30 days after the program ends.
Increase in CE Fees
Continuing education application fees increase on Sept. 1, 2023. Learn more.
Application Guidelines and Fees
Individual Applications
Individual Applications
This application is for nurse anesthetists who are applying to AANA for Non-Prior Approval for attendance at or participation in a learning activity. The individual non-prior application is to be used for continuing education (CE) credit if the activity was not prior approved by the AANA, but was approved for CE credit by another recognized approval organization before the start of the program.
Review the instructions before completing the application. These instructions are also available in the CE Portal.
College University Course Applications
College University Course Applications
This application is for nurse anesthetists who are applying to AANA for Non-Prior Approval for a college/university course. Continuing education credit (CE) is awarded for academic coursework that, when completed, is entered on an official college/university transcript.
See instructions. These instructions are also available in the CE Portal.
How You Apply
Find guidelines, instructions, and any fees required. Then apply for your credits!
Get help with CE at any time. Contact us. (Note: Might change to knowledge hub FAQs)