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National CRNA Week is the annual celebration of the nearly 74,000 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists and residents in nurse anesthesiology programs in the United States. CRNAs, who safely administer more than 58 million anesthetics each year, deliver exceptional care to patients who rely on these innovative leaders to protect them during their most vulnerable moments.
Celebrate the rich history and promising future of these anesthesia experts Jan. 18-24, 2026, during National CRNA Week 2026.
Showcase your professional pride with gear from the AANA Store.
Browse the CRNA Week Toolkit for ideas to help you raise awareness about CRNAs including free resources, like social and digital ads, sample promo copy, and downloadable press-quality posters.
Explore a wealth of fact sheets, infographics, briefs, and more at Information for Practice Administrators | Anesthesia Facts .
Customizable profile frames:
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Graphics: 2025 CRNA Week Social Prompts (1200 x 630 px)
Social Media Covers:
Success Stories Sunday Moments of Leadership and Care — Share your wins, accomplishments, and moments of pride. Download social graphic
Mentor Monday Innovative Leaders Who Inspired You — Who has been a mentor in your CRNA journey? Download social graphic
Tips & Tricks Tuesday Practice Makes Exceptional — Share a tip, trick, or method you use to deliver exceptional care or lead with innovation in your practice. Download social graphic
Why Wednesday The “Why” Behind Your Leadership and Care — Why did you choose to become a CRNA? Download social graphic
Throwback Thursday Innovations Through the Years — Share a photo or memory of something that was cutting-edge or innovative when you started your CRNA journey. Download social graphic
Fellows Friday Exceptional Teams, Exceptional Care — Celebrate your colleagues! Share a photo or story. Download social graphic
State Saturday Leading the Way in Your State — How are CRNAs in your area leading the way? Download social graphic
State Resolution Template
Billboard interest form: Fill out the interest form to find out how you can create a billboard for your state.
Share images with AANA for a chance to be featured in our CRNA Week communications.